5 Sites

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5 Sites

Mary Goedken
Communication--I have used Tagxedo as an ice-breaker and scavenger hunt in my classes at the beginning of the year and each quarter.  This resource is also good to use for creating multiple Tagxedos, say, of the literature we are reading in class.

Collaboration--Lino allows me to take notes and share ideas with colleagues or classes.  I can access this from home or at school.  This resource also allows me to post pictures and videos for my classes in Technical English.  Another good advantage of this source is that you can get e-mail reminders on deadlines or any special days.

Creativity--The resource I would like to try is Powtoon.com.  This could help get the student's attention and make the educational material more inviting and engaging by creating animated videos and presentations.  I could use this to begin a new Unit, such as on Shakespeare, a topic that brings yawns!  With this tool, it could captivate their attention.

Critical Thinking--In one of our Inservice Days, a Model Teacher showed us how Kahoot works.  I use it in my classes to create fun learning environments.  This resource gets the students thinking critically and also is another way that is different for them to learn.

Organization--Since our school is a 1 to 1 laptop school, students really utilize Google Drive.  The students and I use it for assignments and to organize each part of the Unit into folders.  This resource eliminates the papers that we used to hand out.  Now, everything is on Google Drive.