Art Concepts and Terminology Post 1- Sydney Paustian

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Art Concepts and Terminology Post 1- Sydney Paustian

Sydney Paustian
What was new learning for you?

I learned a lot new terms that I knew the concept just not the actual term for it.  Some of these terms such as balance, rhythm, unity, value, variety and proportion were ones I feel as if I am able to explain, just never knew the exact term.

What was a review?

I know a lot about the color wheel, primary colors and secondary colors as well as t shapes, line, and texture from teaching kindergarten.

How can you apply these concepts to a content area you currently teach?

I can use these concept while teaching kindergarten. Some of the terms would be tough for 5 and 6 years olds to understand, but a lot of the other terms I can use in my teaching. We use a lot of the terms like line, shapes, texture, in other subjects other than Art. We have an art teachers, so supporting her and these terms in the classroom will be helpful.