DC Digital Literacy: Share Resource:Storybird, Lucidchart. Tynker

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DC Digital Literacy: Share Resource:Storybird, Lucidchart. Tynker

Lisa Conry
I substitute teach and I got pretty excited to see all of these different tools that are available! There are a lot of great ones, but the ones I chose are: Storybird, Lucidchart, and Tynker. Storybird is pretty cool and I could see it being a popular tool used for elementary age kids. It is equipped with great, colorful pictures that can trigger some great writing of original stories! Lucidchart would be an awesome tool to be used for family trees, pedigree diagrams, etc. and could be adapted to different grades. Tynker, wow, what a great way to build confidence and show creativity all at the same time! Students have the opportunity to build puzzles, games, etc.! It is always a huge plus when students of any age can have fun while they learn and explore new things!