DC Digital Literacy: Share Resource

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DC Digital Literacy: Share Resource

Alex Brown
I explored MindMeister, which is a website that allows the user to create concept maps.  Off the top of my head this tool could be used to: 1) organize subject material from a chapter/unit, 2) organize brainstorming activities, 3) organize information for a research project.  I found it very easy to use and it goes beyond what can be done brainstorming with a paper and pencil.  Specifically it allows you to add pictures and videos to better illustrate the topic.  It seems to be developmentally appropriate for students from upper elementary and up.
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Re: DC Digital Literacy: Share Resource

Cindy Wur
I would like to further investigate MindMeister.  That sounds like something my 8th graders could do to share their research info with their groups as well as sharing quotes from each specific novel to tie into common themes.