DC Digital Literacy

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DC Digital Literacy

Steven Petersen
I found that most of the sites provided were for young children or for businesses.  I teach high school so I tried to narrow my choices down to those resources.
Communication - Google Drive - This is great for sharing material with other faculty. For students I have found that Google Classroom is more effective. It also allows me to differentiate assignments based on student needs.
Collaboration - Prezi - I have used Prezi and found it to be more creative than Microsoft Powerpoint. The learning curve is fairly small. For collaboration though, I prefer SlideRocket or Google Apps.
Creativity - None of these really seemed appropriate for what I teach. One of the other students had a post about a video editing site that I want to try for this category.
Critical Thinking - One of our staff did a mini-workshop on Socrative. I really liked the idea of being able to take a dipstick of understanding at any time. The glitch though is that not all of my students have a phone. We are not a one-to-one school so access is difficult. The real advantage to this is that every student responds to your query so it is better at gauging group understanding.
Organization - Diigo - I find this one to be the best for my grade level. We do a lot of online searches and this is a great tool to help students collaborate on their projects.