DC Digital Literacy

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DC Digital Literacy

Cassie Bultsma
Iam a preschool teacher and I found a lot of helpful applications and websites that would still be applicable for my students.  Under the category of communication, I would use the application, "Little Bird Tales."  I thought this app would be perfect for preschool!  I would have my students listen to e-books and use the drawing feature.  I would also have my class work on a collaborative alphabet book.  Under the collaborative category, I would take advantage of Google Drive.  I would share lesson plans and data with my co-teachers. My students could use the speech to text feature and retell a familiar story or discuss a event that has happened to them.  Under the creativity section, I loved the EduCreatiions whiteboard.  I thought the students could active writing letters,numbers, or writing the name while using the app.  It reminded me of a smart board tool that several schools have access to; however, my school does not have the funds for one.  The EduCreations whiteboard would be a great alternative to use in the classroom.  Under the category of critical thinking, I loved the Bubblius and graph analysis.  We would brainstorm ideas as a class when using Bubblius.  We could create a KWL (What I know, What I need to know, and What I learned) as well.  We could also use the graph analysis website to create bar graphs when comparing data in class.  I love using graphs to help strengthen my students's math skills.  I also loved the apps and website discussed under the area of organization.  I thought Teacher Tube was a useful website.  I could use Teacher Tube to show videos  and photos on a topic we were discussing in class.  Using visuals, such as, videos and photos help deepen my student's comprehension on a topic.  I also love using Pinterest to create ideas for lessons.  My students could use Pinterest to pin words that begin with a letter of the alphabet.  For my personal and professional life, I also loved the website Delicious for bookmarking several sites I find on the Internet and having the capabilites to categories them into sections for easy assess.
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Re: DC Digital Literacy

Donna Dingus
I also have used Google Drive for sharing. Many districts use the share option to post school-wide goals.