DC Digital Literacy

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DC Digital Literacy

Heather Madsen
Critical Thinking - I explored Kahoot! a little more than I had in the past. I have seen this used in some of our PD meetings but had not really looked into it for my classroom. This looks like a great way to not only assess my students but a fun way to review.

Creativity - As a music teacher, animato would be a great resource to use for a music video project.

Collaboration - Google Drive would be a great way to collaborate with students, parents and teachers. It is a very easy way to share important information between coworkers and students.

Communication - I think Google Drive would be a nice way to share information with coworkers and/or students/parents.  I also explored Edmodo which looks like a very handle tool for communicating with students and parents and to follow student progress.

Organization - I think Google Drive would also be great for keeping my classroom and students organized. All of my documents could be in one place and students could have access to needed documents which would be great when they tend to lose everything.