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Cheree Mann
My social media is Facebook. There is an option that everyone in the world may peek in at my posts, but I have it private. I only want the people I know to see my page. There is a Privacy Check Up, so I can choose my audience:  public, friends or I can customize. There is another category called APPS - I can decide who sees my Apps. I can also change my Profile:  who can see my phone number, email address, birthday and relationship.

Recently I have been receiving "friend" requests from pictures of very handsome men. I don't know who they are, but I do check the FB page because maybe I do and something will ring a bell. These pages have about two pictures, and nothing posted. The page looks like it was built in five minutes. I don't know why someone would make up a FB page and try to get people to "friend" them, but I don't think it's a good reason. I delete the "friend" requests.