DC Internet Safety

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DC Internet Safety

Sarah Lehmann
In my final project I talk about my current analysis of our Keystone AEA Clarity data.  Of the Keystone AEA Clarity data I examined the following categories:

Teacher Yearly Time Spent Teaching Digital Citizenship
Time spent per year of teaching about creating an online presence
Time spent per year teaching about legally using web content
Time spent per year teaching about prevention of cyberbullying
Time spent per year teaching about online safety
Time spent per year teaching about using social networks for learning
The category that received the least amount of attention was time spent per year teaching about prevention of cyberbullying.   6% of teachers surveyed spent 5 hour or less on teaching this concept.  Therefore, our current data indicates the high need for professional development in this area.  In lieu of what seems to make the nightly headlines, I'm shocked and disappointed that this is a focus in our classrooms.