DC Internet Safety

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DC Internet Safety

Ben Booth
DC Internet Safety is one maybe one of the most important issues that is ignored by most people just not students in our classroom. I think a continual reminder and covering the issues about internet safety is huge and should be talked about anytime students are accessing the internet.

Internet safety can be tied to all the area of DC and the story of Amanda Todd is one that will hit students and help them understand the importance of using social media safely. Some of the worst phishing happens in personal emails so students must understand the importance of different and strong passwords and using trusted internet providers.
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Re: DC Internet Safety

Karen Wise
You've made some very good points here. Yes, internet safety is huge, and I'm guilty of not tending to it like I should.  I plan to share the security issues I've learned through this class with my elem and MS students. We can never start too soon. The Amanda Todd video would really get them thinking more seriously about bullying and how students can help each other.