DC Internet Safety

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DC Internet Safety

Jenna Huston
I mostly use Facebook and am fairly satisfied with the privacy settings, although I watch for changes frequently.  I barely know how to use my other accounts, such as Twitter or Instagram.  While exploring Instagram's privacy features I found a lot of confusing and alarming information about third party sites, etc.  The first thing that alarmed me was how long it took me to find out how to make sure my profile was set to private, and if not, how to set it to private.  I found out that by default, Instagram accounts are automatically public until you set them to be otherwise.  You cannot change privacy settings from a desktop (or laptop) computer, only via the app for phones, tablets, etc.
As far as third party sites and access to information are concerned, I was impressed, concerned and overwhelmed by how much information was provided by Instagram.  I didn't even have the patience to read through all of it, so I highly doubt most children would.