DC Internet Safety

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DC Internet Safety

I have a Facebook account, but I don't use it.  My wife does some Facebook communication.  It is unfortunate that there is so much evil in the world.  The best protection appears to be not using digital technology.  Unfortunately, nearly everything we do is being made digital!  

I started computing when personal computers were first invented in the 1980's.  There were many good things that could be done with digital spreadsheets, word processors and data bases.  Also, there were some games that could be played on computer.  However, as with other things in human society, evil people began to use what was meant for good to do evil things.  Today, there are many good things that can be done with digital technology, but the evil is becoming more and more prevalent.  The most dangerous thing in U.S. society is the lack of a moral compass.  With atheism, radical Islam, fascism, and other dangerous ideologies, there is not a consensus for good.  

Does anyone even know what the Golden Rule is anymore?