DC Internet Safety

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DC Internet Safety

Alex Brown
I reviewed my Facebook account settings.  My privacy setting was on 'Friends Only' which is how I want it.  I have always liked to keep my cards close to my chest and have a high standard for what I consider a friend.  That's not to say that I don't get along with people, I just believe that there are 'friends' and 'associates'.  For instance, I get along with everyone I work with (associates) but only have maybe 3-4 (friends) that I would feel comfortable sharing more personal thoughts and feelings with.  I think that one of the ways to help students protect themselves online is to encourage them to think about who they know versus who they can really trust with deeply personal information.

Also, facebook allows you to create special groups so that certain information is only shared within a selected group of people.  I realize that many people use facebook as a way to vent their feelings/frustrations and I think that many people could benefit from sharing these feelings/frustrations with only a select group of people instead of just posting it for all to see.