DC Intro:Inappropriate Use Digital Media

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DC Intro:Inappropriate Use Digital Media

Lisa Conry
I agree with the readings/comments on this topic and it really saddens me that some children, students, and adults, alike, hide behind their phones, cameras, computers, etc. and take this cowardly way out when handling some situations. I do think that some of it is because some people may not think before they react/speak and/or they let their emotions get the best of them.
A relative of mine posted his down-the-middle-of-the-road opinion about a political situation and got some very heated and angry responses. The conversation ended with a "friend" "defriending" him on Facebook...
Encouraging others to treat others the way they want to be treated may help the problem and or just knowing that you don't have to jump into every conversation or situation...some how we need to encourage using more "filters" when using any kind of Digital Media and some how get the word out that whenever using any type of Digital Media, is not a license to remove "filters"...