DC Intro:Inappropriate Use Digital Media

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DC Intro:Inappropriate Use Digital Media

Deb Kubitz
Sadly this is what goes along with the positive sides of technology. Facebook while can be such a wonderful way of keeping in touch with people howevercan be a real soapbox for those who like to spread negativity. Personally I unfriend those who make derogatory remarks towards others but unfortunately that does nothing to stop it from happening. By simply turning your back it does not go away. That is one of the most inappropriate uses in my opinion. Emailing "can" also be if you get caught up in some drama involving someone else and sometimes those emails go to the wrong people. and suddenly you are an innocent bystander who is caught up in something you don't even know how you got there. Tone is one that I have personally have a couple times ran into. You don't know if someone is saying something in a joking manner or if they are upset sometimes. I have had that happen where I just email back and ask to have a face to face conversation rather than continue with this form of communication.