DC Intro: Inappropriate Use

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DC Intro: Inappropriate Use

I have a high school friend that I recently became friends with on Facebook. In turns out that we both are teachers. As I went through my college education, I took serious note of digital responsibility and how my actions and comments, especially through social media, could negatively effect my career. I am very deliberate and safe - possibly even too much so - with the information or pictures I post on social media. If what we were taught regarding our personal image as a reflection of the school district or that employers may search social media as a reference before hiring you is true, I wonder how my friend still has a job. She uses inappropriate, explicit language in the majority of her posts. I think the "inappropriate use of digital media" has a wide definition and the explicit language my friend uses is encompassed in that definition. Her Facebook page is in no way affiliated with the school district that she works for, however, as educators we know going into our profession that we are role models and will be looked upon by our students to demonstrate appropriate behaviors. Don't get me wrong, I understand that we all will not and can not be expected to be perfect or act so all of the time, but I don't think social media is the outlet where one should flaunt that behavior.