DC Intro: Norms and Responsibilities

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DC Intro: Norms and Responsibilities

Heather White
I feel that we as parents and educators must be vigilant of what our students are doing online.  Every child has the right to feel safe when being online and it is our job as educators to make sure that is happening in the school setting.  I feel it is imperative that we are vigilant in observing what our students are accessing online.  Checking the browser history when students are "surfing" the net or using online resources is important in keeping children safe when being online.  If students are misusing the privilege of being online, then that privilege needs to be revoked until proper re-education of students rights, responsibilities and safe guards of Internet usage/social media can be addressed.  Once addressed and that student(s) shows an understanding, the privilege of using online resources at school should be reinstated with educator supervision.