DC Intro: Norms and repsonbilities

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DC Intro: Norms and repsonbilities

R. Follmuth
I find that I want to attach the responsibilities and rights to guidelines we have already established as a country.  Knowing how the constitution works and its elements helps all of us to shape how we should view and act in the digital world.  Now life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness have to be analyzed just as they do when we speak and act physically.  When one chooses to participate in something, in this case the digital world, it is their responsibility to learn the elements.  In similarity, when students goes to school, they need to learn the expectations, rules, regulations, schedules, etc. of how going to school works.  We provide tools to teach those elements such as teachers, administration, websites, handouts, handbooks, etc. so that students and their families have the proper information.  The same should be provided when entering the digital world.  And sometimes people learn the hard way or refuse to accept the guidelines provided and they become victims or offenders.  We need to take the digital world and acknowledge that it is an element of our existence, whether or not we choose to engage in it.  Being naive or ignorant will have detrimental outcomes.  I believe it very much can be tied into how we already live in our nation and world, but I believe we need to be deliberate and proactive.