DC Intro Norms and responsibilities

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DC Intro Norms and responsibilities

Denise Williams
The digital world is the norm these days.   I agree with the dignity and respect of all,  in public and on-line.  I could not count on my fingers how many times I have heard people interpreting what someone has typed on line and taken offense.  Then they voice their opinion or type their opinion on what THEY thought the person meant.  In the end, the misinterpretation is usually resolved but not always.  I think it is our responsibility to not react to some posts without having more information.  It is easy to type something back and then just get off line.  I personally do not like the digital world but I know I cannot change that.  It is my responsibility to teach my children that emotions should stay in check when reading something unless all facts are there.  My motto is stay calm when you log on.