DC Norms & Responsibilities

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DC Norms & Responsibilities

Miranda Adams
I think some of the user rights that should be a part of the digital world include equal access to technology and the right to create and share media on a digital platform. With the right of creating and sharing in the digital world comes responsibilities. I appreciated Linda Lucht’s mention of the “Golden “Rule” in her post. Helping students to recognize that everything they say and do online leaves a “digital footprint” is so important. It is great to express opinions, but it is also important to be respectful. I like sharing with students that if you wouldn’t say it to someone’s face, you shouldn’t be making the comment online.
Sometimes we tend to think the digital world is something else. William Lawrence mentioned in his post that he tells his students that “the digital world isn’t a whole lot different than the real world”. This really resonating with me. I would love to say that users have the right to be safe online, but none of us are always safe in the real world either. This is why it is so important for us to educate students on how to make safe and wise decisions online just as they would in the real world.