DC-Norms and Responsibilities

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DC-Norms and Responsibilities

Mark Bliven
The norms for digital citizenship should be the same as if contact were to be face to face.  Comments or posts should be made as if one person was actually talking to another person in a face to face conversation.  Most people know what is the right thing to say when speaking to someone in the presence of them but when the anonymity or shield of the digital world is there many who would say one thing in the presence of another will end up making a bad choice when the screen hides them from whom they  make an inappropriate comment.
Responsibility doesn't end when not in the actual presence of an actual person.
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Re: DC-Norms and Responsibilities

JEM Woodside
Great point on the face to face comment.  I tell students if you wouldn't want your grandmother to see it or read it, it's probably not appropriate.