DC Norms and Responsibilities

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DC Norms and Responsibilities

Jenna Huston
Students should have the right to access the internet to share and collaborate with peers, obtain new information and helpful resources for content, communicate with their teachers and peers, and submit digital assignments.
As not every student will have internet access at home, 1:1 districts (or any classroom that requires digital assignments or online research) need to provide students with time during the school day to use their computers and complete their work.

It is the responsibility of the school and its educators to make students aware of the dangers of online use, how they can remain safe and maintain their privacy when using technology, and also to teach them to take responsibility for the things they share or post online.  I have stressed to students who use social media, particularly in middle school, that everything they post may have a consequence, even if they believe it is totally private, and that they should never post anything they wouldn't want their dear old grandmother (or someone else's grandmother, or their future employer, or their future girlfriend's father, etc.) to see.