Digital Citizenship: Norms & Responsibilities

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Digital Citizenship: Norms & Responsibilities

Sarah Lehmann
Norms....a long lost part of etiquette in my opinion.  We ignore both social and established norms because we're on the run, catching things on the fly and don't slow down enough to reflect on the impact of ignored norms.  As adults, we fail to set good examples of following norms for students.  Are norms necessary?  Absolutely!  Establishing, following and monitoring norms are critical to a person's success!

Responsibilities....As a society we've gotten so used to giving and getting information so quickly that we don't slow down enough to think about the responsibility that comes along with that.  We post things in haste and disregard checking to make sure that what we're posting is responsibly correct nor do we double check our facts to make sure that what we're reading are true claims.  Much like norms, it seems like responsibility is a fleeting art~