Digital Citizenship Rights & Responsibilities

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Digital Citizenship Rights & Responsibilities

Carrie Gaul
Users have the right to choose their resources used.  Teachers and parents can assist their students and children in choosing appropriate online resources.  Users have the right to decide what companies and businesses to work with, and parents and teachers can be role models regarding this.  Users have the right to choose if they are involved in social medial and how much or how little they use social media in their home or classroom.  Teachers have access to a wide range of personal information and data on many students, and they have a responsibility to protect the privacy of students and to keep personal information confidential.  Teachers also have the responsibility to assure digital free speech by being non judgemental or discriminating on students replies and work, but should also instruct and guide them in appropriate digital use.  Students should understand that the same expectations and laws apply online as in everyday life, and that there are also safety concerns and precautions that can be taken.