Digital Citizenship

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Digital Citizenship

Tina Phillippi
I feel our society’s ethics are in jeopardy with the increased use of technology. People/students don’t always make the ‘right’ choices because they hide behind the technology. Students are more apt to say cruel/inappropriate comments through technology than in person. I feel children are given technology too soon by parents without properly teaching what is right/wrong usage through the devices. Parents do not monitor what the child says/does with technology like they would if a child said/did something right in front of them. Technology allows everyone to ‘hide’ and not think about how his/her actions or words affect those around him/her.

As teachers in education, I feel that sometimes we have a different set of ethics on communication through technology. However, we still need to teach those ethics and how to communicate with others through technology in a way that is respectful and appropriate. Students need to know that not everything that is on the Internet to true. They also need to know that once they post something- they cannot 'hide'... it will always be there.