Digital Etiquette

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Digital Etiquette

Rita Schechinger
There are times when it is appropriate to use technology and other times when it needs to be put away. This may be difficult to teach kids, especially when we as adults seem to have technology in hand at all times.   When my children were younger (preschool) and we would go on play dates, I would often notice that the other parents were less engaged with their children (on their phones: checking fb, texting, etc.).  I continue to notice this in public settings today, and it seems to have increased.  I know that I myself have gotten more involved with the use of my smartphone too.  I try to be cognizant of my time spent with my children, so that I am directly involved with them rather than on my phone, although I admit that I could do better at times.  When I took my children to a kids show (Wild Kratts) at the Orpheum 2 weeks ago, it was shocking to look around and see so many of the parents on their phones while their children just sat there before the show started.  There were animal facts being displayed and my family read them together as they scrolled across the screen, but we were definitely in the minority.  I think etiquette needs to be taught on appropriate and inappropriate times to use, and on the importance of keeping technology put away during those important face-to-face interactions.