Digital Etiquette

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Digital Etiquette

Stephanie Wheatley
Inappropriate use of digital media happens so frequently in our society that it has become the norm.  Unfortunately I have been guilty (as most people are) of misusing social media.  I teach leadership to high school students and guide them in the importance of using social media correctly.  However, at one point in time I had posted a picture on Instagram of my niece on her 21st birthday taking a shot of alcohol.  Although it wasn't a huge deal, it was somewhat hypocritical of the things I had taught my students.  My superintendent texted me and asked if this was the image I wanted to portray to the public...I eventually deleted the post.  In addition, I have "liked" tweets and posts with swear words in the may not be a huge deal, but I still need to watch what I do as I model digital etiquette for my students.