Digital Literacy: Share Refresh

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Digital Literacy: Share Refresh

Erin Stohlmeyer
I love to use Prezi. I use it when I am getting a book talk ready for middle or high school students. I like that Prezi easily embeds YouTube videos, which I use in every book talk. I like to use book trailers as my base for specific examples of genres or author's work. Then I talk about similar books, but won't need a book trailer for each book. The book trailers I find are always from YouTube, but some are made by students, teachers, librarians, and in some cases by publishing companies as to promote new books.

I've also used Animoto to create my own book trailers to use during my book talks. Animoto also is the best program to use with students to create their own book trailers. I like that Animoto is simple to use, we don't have to spend too much instruction time to figure out how to use it. It has all the elements(photos, text, music) needed for a trailer. Each time I've used this with a class there was been at least 1 major "hiccup" that happened due to problems from the website. But nothing that I couldn't work around, and the benifits far outweigh the troubles we've had so far.