Digital Literacy

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Digital Literacy

Jodi Hinegardner
I like the Flipgrid.  I would use it to have my students share with me a decision they have had to make.  I would give them a graphic organizer to evaluate and go through the steps of the decision-making process.  They would tell me what decision they are making.  Such as what I will do after high school.  They will list two choices such as go to college or go to the service.  They will list the pros and cons of each choice.  They will then tell either what they are leaning toward.  If it is a decision they have already made they will evaluate whether they would make that same decision again and why.  They would then use Flipgrid to record themselves telling me their decision, choices, pros/cons, and choice or choice they are leaning toward.  If it is a decision they have made they will tell me why?  This would be recorded and only shared with me.  I would then communicate back to them.