Digital Norms, Rights and Responsibilities

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Digital Norms, Rights and Responsibilities

What user rights do I feel should be part of norms in this digital world?
I believe all digital users should have the right to be presented with safety information before concerning apps, sites, online commerce, etc... that they choose to take part in on the internet. For example a safety bubble that pop up before using an app that reminds users that their online communications can have negative consequences and to post wisely. I could see a statement that reminds students and adults alike that they are leaving a digital footprint and encourage good digital citizenship. Maybe that would help some pause and think before they post.
Also, there are some people that haven't "grown up" in the digital age and could use brief safety reminders to protect themselves and their information. These could pop up before a purchase or as an alert with certain sites. Making sure all of our students have a comprehensive digital citizenship course would also help in this area.

What user responsibilities should be expressed in the digital world?
We do need to take responsibility for our digital words and actions. I see students that are surprised when they get in trouble for something they communicated negatively about someone else on the internet. With some there is a false since of being anonymous and they post with out restraint not considering the law or consequences that they may face. We had a special police officer that came in and talked to our students about responsibilities and the law in regard to digital use. It was helpful, educational and hopefully prompted some to make better choices.