Digital Users: Norms and Responsibilities

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Digital Users: Norms and Responsibilities

Chris Pighetti
As an educator for many years, students and teachers alike disregard the importance and necessity of digital literacy.  From the ill-advised post to blatantly incriminating themselves as horrible spellers, providers of unsatisfactory grammar, and users of punctuation, many people today add to the conglomerate mess that is the Internet.  Not to mention those who specialize in unsafe practices, cyber-bullying, and criminal activities.  I think that in order to receive access to drive the Web, you should be licensed the same as you are a car.  Once you have completed the necessary training, you are given a personal code that is needed each time you access the Net.  Might be harsh, but then there pricey penalties for such simple things as speeding.  The responsibilities would end up being the same as the guidelines in the training modules.  You don't follow the rules, you lose access.