Digital World Rights and Responsibilities and Digital Super-Person

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Digital World Rights and Responsibilities and Digital Super-Person

Joyce Keeling
What user rights do you feel should be part of the norms in this digital world? What user responsibilities do you feel should be expressed in this digital world?
Rights of our digital world, here in our country, should include the Freedom of Expression, if expressed in a ethical method. Ethical methods of digital world use in America should include being respectful to others and just thinking twice before speaking or posting. User responsibilities include being respectful to others and to one's self, which should be a norm.  It includes being cautious with that digital footprint that may be borrowed and then passed on to others.  Some people including our students may not fully realize the long term effects of a digital footprint.  Sometimes, our students do things without thinking, like posting something inappropriate, and of which may hurt students later on.  
That is where educators come to the rescue.  I suppose we could be called the Digital Super-Person, who is there to detect and deflect possible injury from an inappropriate student posting with the many current and long term affects.  So, it is up to parents and we educators to remind students how to be responsible digital users.  So, the Digital Super-Person to the rescue!