Exploration of shared resources

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Exploration of shared resources

Scot Surprenant
I found this to be a wonderful topic within this module.  There are many of these that I have used and tried.  Several of these I have observed teachers using in their classrooms.  It is amazing what some do with these tools. The really neat aspect of this whole section is that all 5 categories will fit great in the modules of our new LMS that the district purchased, Canvas.  As far as the ones that I have personally used or seen work, let's take a look.

Communication - I do like several of these, but the one that came to mind immediately was voicethread. I worked with a Spanish language teacher in middle school. She was looking for a way to assess her students verbal acquisition of the language.  We used voicethread app on the ipad to record students speaking for playback later.

Collaboration - we have used Office365 which is just like google for students collaboration on projects.  I have supported many classrooms using OneNote for their class where students had access to certain parts of the notebook and were able to plan and collaborate on different aspects of their project.

Creativity - used some of these like Animoto and Prezi.  The one thing to add on this list is video editing, in which Movie Maker and iMovie was used.  Students created similes of plant and animal cell structures, using voice over capability to showcase what they learned.

Critical thinking - socrative was used to assess students knowledge gained through the unit of learning.  Helped another teacher discover her student's needs to better meet their level of learning.

Organization - We were able to use Google Drive to organize different parts of their learning for a Genius Hour project I did during their 7th grade year. It made it easy for two way sharing of documents and resources.  Also help me organize all 119 students and help them be organized as well.

All in all, I see a lot of these areas being met by Canvas, which will be a big part of this plan going forward.