Explore a site for collaboration/creativity/critical thinking/organization

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Explore a site for collaboration/creativity/critical thinking/organization

Regina Alatalo
I set up a Symbaloo account so I could use this website when looking for new resources to use with my students. It will be great to have these web sources organized when I'm wanting to use something new. Now the resources are organized all in one place and I won't have to be randomly searching for a website or app for a specific purpose.

In the past I have used Google sites and drive for collaboration and creativity. I think most teachers have. I am looking forward to using Prezi as well. It's good to give students an option and expose them to multiple ways to produce the same results. I was glad to see so many options for coding. I haven't done a lot with this but I want to try something else besides Scratch. I like Daisy the Dinosaur and Kodable. Using various apps for the same purpose builds creativity.

I've taken some other technology training in the past. I remember the first time I learned about all these web resources I felt overwhelmed. I thought how can I use all of these things with my students. I was relieved when the instructor said to find four or five you really like and can establish those as your favorites. Most teachers don't use all of these. If anyone is feeling overwhelmed as I was it was comforting to hear someone say pick some you like and use mostly those, trying to incorporate a new one every once in a while.  I have kept that as my goal.
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Re: Explore a site for collaboration/creativity/critical thinking/organization

Lisa Dupuy
Prezi is fantastic! I used it in college for a few technology classes, it is a fun way do do presentations! I would agree Symbaloo is a great way to organize information.
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Re: Explore a site for collaboration/creativity/critical thinking/organization

Scot Surprenant
In reply to this post by Regina Alatalo
Showing us all these resources for the 5 categories on a Symbaloo, caused me to over-look the fact that using Symbaloo is a great organizational tool for the classroom as well.  Thank you for reminding me of this!