Facebook Privacy

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Facebook Privacy

David Clark
I looked at Facebook and found it very easy to manipulate my privacy settings.  The swing over the past ten years in education on use of technology is amazing.  Around 2005 all teacher in my school district were required to use at least one social media outlet (Twitter or Facebook) to better communicate with our students and parents.  Educational system now limit and highly caution teachers to use these sites as communication tools.  We have created entire education safe zones for teachers and kids to communicate because of all of the issues that have come up.  

With that being said, it would be wise to work cautiously with technology and the internet as we proceed as educators because we don't always know what is best until after the worst has happened.  The worst thing that could happen if you don't use technology in or classroom is that the student learns the content without technology in the classroom.  A huge selling point for Apple and IBM to earn billion dollar contracts by tapping into school districts has always been our students ability to compete with students in areas of technology.  What if our schools invested in more teachers to create a small teacher to student ratio with that money? Are our current young citizens only access to technologies the classroom?  With the pace of improved and ever-changing technologies, will we ever really teach them what they need to know for the job they will have? Things to ponder...