Facebook - Social Media Class

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Facebook - Social Media Class

Kristopher "Kritter" Hayes
I use Facebook daily.  It is probably the most common form of social media that I use.  It is not only a great way to keep up with friends and family but I find it useful in learning about things I can use within my classroom from other educators.  I find that many of my teaching peers use Facebook to share about all things educational.  Here are a few Facebook pages (many can be found on other forms of social media as well) that I follow that connect directly with my career as a teacher and coach...

Teachers Pay Teachers
Michele Luck's Social Studies - tptsocialstudies.com
Iowa Board of Educational Examiners
Professional Educators of Iowa
History (@HISTORY)
Teacher's Discovery (@TeachersDiscoverySocial)

Kristopher "Kritter' Hayes
Kristopher "Kritter" Hayes
Keokuk High School Social Studies
Head Girls Golf / Asst. Boys Basketball / MS Football Coach