Financial Literacy Discussions

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Financial Literacy Discussions

Jess Toliver
Financial Literacy is one of the most overlooked subject areas in a high school curriculum, but can have the largest impact on a student’s life and wellbeing.  Walk into any sophomore class and start talking about budgeting, credit, credit cards, long-term planning and savings and see how many blank stare you get.  As a parent of a sixteen-year-old student I see the financial challenges that she faces in the future and her lack of understanding and knowledge of finances.  As the superintendent of a school, I do not have a classroom where I have daily contact with students, but I do have 4 children at home where I can have multiple conversations on financial literacy.  I have already had a conversation with my 16 year old on budgeting and savings as we look to purchase her first car.  We will also look at borrowing options to determine how much car she can afford and what kind of payment she can afford on her part-time job’s salary. We will discuss how she can create a credit history through borrowing and what we need to do to make sure her credit remains as good as possible.