Financial Literacy International Teaching

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Financial Literacy International Teaching

Luke Ames
I have been teaching internationally for the past 9 years and did not get my teaching license until I was almost 30 years old.  This gave me a fair amount of experience in many other jobs & professions prior to starting my teaching degree.  They were rich in their lessons for me and I attempt to pass along some of my better learned lessons to the kids I teach.  Internationally, I would say that it is quite similar to schools in the US in that there is little or no attention to this subject unless it is embedded in a humanities elective.  In mathematics (where my degree and most of my experience is), it has little or no place in the curriculum-practically speaking.  Simple and compound interest along with some SpreadSheet mastery is about it and teaching this allows for little reassurance that the practical side is taught or understood for the most part.  When I was first teaching in Iowa after receiving my degree, it was more a part of the Forum curriculum that the high school I taught at had adopted.  I have known teachers in Humanities to do some "adopt a stock" activities to give a real context to teaching how finances work.