Financial Literacy Possibilities

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Financial Literacy Possibilities

Brian D Christensen
I am of firm belief that our students today need much more information regarding personal finances than what they are currently getting. Frankly, this very course is probably something that every PERSON should be taking, and certainly high school students should be learning more about these issues. I wish a financial literacy course was required for graduation. Many schools no longer require basic economics for graduation!

We discuss values and the American Dream in my classes, and working in some activities and/or ongoing research into financial literacy may be the way to go. Maybe even a "Fun Friday" activity each week that takes into account an aspect of financial literacy that has been taught/researched and then conveyed to the class by other students. Another goal in my classes is for my students to be better communicators. Maybe the students can create some interesting presentations to dig into the issues.

I am a bit unsure what to do since I am taking the course to see some ideas about implementation, but no matter what the possible lesson plans, students will be better of in this area simply by becoming more aware! I see reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing as being enhanced. Information texts matter. Analyzing information matters. Validity of information matters. Any of these concepts that are inetregal to the language arts standards can also be part of the infusion of some financial literacy activities.

I look forward to learning more!