Financial Literacy for 21st Century

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Financial Literacy for 21st Century

Janet Grass
As the Financial Literacy course work is coming to the conclusion many thoughts are now going through my mind on when and how the knowledge gained can be implemented. Start early in life and continuously change things is a must to ensure understanding there are major influences to understand.
First and foremost knowing the fast paced world we live in is ever changing; so is the ability for Financial Awareness/Control. So many people do not realize how quickly things transpire by not being educated to know good options from poor, or not knowing how to change something because it is totally electronic.
Welcome to realizing we need to educate our youth early on to ensure they understand Essential Financial Literacy Concepts or Skills for the 21st Century. Restoring Financial Control though our communities will empower people to make the ever lasting choices to aide our environments to be successful to sustain a healthy lifestyle into the future.