Financial Literacy for College

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Financial Literacy for College

P Friederich
Financial Literacy can be taught at all age levels.  From Pre Schoolers learning to place change in a jar for savings, Middle Schoolers learning to save for a new video game and High Schoolers saving for further education and realizing how far the dollar goes.

The earlier a student learns to save and budget, the more successful they will be as adults.

I teach mostly High School Students.  Their main objective is to make money and then spend the money that they make - immediately.

Teaching how to divide the earnings into percentages will help them learn a new habit and stay with the new habit into adulthood.  Teaching how to stay consistent will help them become more successful adults.

The best class to teach this is in Math.  (I teach all subjects).  Students still say that they will never need to use math when they grow up. I give them an example of shopping for clothes, using coupons and %off sales and how they can stretch the dollar.

I also use examples of how they can use math in a future job and how to make sure that they are being paid correctly and not being taken advantage of by an untrustworthy employer.

Example Budget:

10% - For you to splurge
20% - For clothing
10% - For church
15% - For College Savings
45% - For cellphone bill, gas for the car  and other bills

How to test your paycheck

$7.50 x 10 hours is not $50 gross - YOUR BOSS MADE A MISTAKE!  Do you enjoy working for FREE?