Financial Literacy in Middle School Subbing

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Financial Literacy in Middle School Subbing

Robert Martin
I am a substitute teacher, with most of my time spent at the middle school level.  I rarely have the opportunity to utilize my own lesson plan, but one of the topics I carry with me in my "teaching tool box" (a satchel containing lesson ideas for different subject levels) is money management. If, for instance, I am called to substitute for a 6th grade social studies teacher who called in sick at the last minute, I could use the class time to discuss saving and budgeting for Christmas gifts or summer vacation, instead of giving a study hall or watching a lame youtube video. I have been able to do this in a few classrooms, and the responses from the teachers have been very positive.  Many teachers seem to put limited time and resources to these types of topics, choosing to focus on the more difficult curriculum items. Supplimenting their lessons with ad libbed substituting has freed up some of their time and resources.