Financial Literacy

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Financial Literacy

Kim Leinen
I have been teaching for 9 years in special education classrooms. I graduated with my BS in education as a non traditional graduate. I've had to go through the burden of a high amount of debt at a later age. (I will go to my grave with a large amount of debt) :(  I'm personally taking this class be educated with more information and resources to use for financial security.
One of my biggest goals to achieve with my two children, (one in college and one will enter college in the Fall), is for them to learn how to manage their money, stay on a budget, and stay away from debt collectors.
It does seem that our world has changed in the area of parenting and children are given what they want and think they need. Both of my children have worked to make money while going to school. It is difficult at times, but necessary for them to learn how hard it is to pay bills and go school.
My hope is that I will benefit from taking this Financial Literacy class along with passing my knowledge to my children and students. Finding engaging and educational financial literacy activities for them to use in their own personal life.