Financial Literacy

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Financial Literacy

Rachel Van Roekel
Although I am currently not teaching, I plan to start subbing in the fall.  I think it's important to teach financial responsibility at an early age to help children understand the importance of spending wisely, saving money and using credit cards responsibly.  I work a seasonal position at a local bank and bank tours can be fun and helpful for young children.  They can see the vault, money counting machine, and learn about what bank employee do to help their customers.  Young children often think they can have anything they want at any time.  It's important to introduce a budget or allowance to them and incorporate how money can be saved in a piggy bank, built up, and then used for something they need or desire and can appreciate.  The convenience, benefits, and disadvantages of credits cards are also very important for children to understand as credit cards affect their credit score, which is very important if they decide to purchase a home in the future.  Young people need to be taught financial literacy at a young age and continuously reminded of the importance of financial responsibility throughout their life.