Financial literacy

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Financial literacy

Barb Pierce
Since I am a Family Consumer Sciences teacher, there are many ways I work finances into lessons.  From stretching the dollar at the table to families spending their money wisely whether it be the best "deal"l for vacations or purchasing a house.  It doesn't matter what age of the student.  They all have money and they all spend it and probably few of them save it.  Many times it depends of what is taught at home..the same as many other things.  I had a student that was living with me in a foster situation but mom was still involved with decisions making.  This student got a job and decided she should have a checking account.  A couple of weeks later this person had money to deposit so I went with her to the bank.  She had no idea that she needed her account number, what a deposit ticket was nor how to keep track of her account.  I didn't even have this student in any of my classes.  Money is involved in every aspect of our lives..from daily living...daily necessities to specialities