Foolish digital media decisions

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Foolish digital media decisions

Sarah Novak
My student, X, serves as an example of a foolish use of digital media used inappropriately. He received a picture of another student's unclothed body. Instead of telling an adult or even deleting the picture, he showed his phone to a few peers. He didn't forward the picture on, fortunately, but he did share it, unfortunately. Students told staff what they saw on X's phone. Both students were penalized for the incident, and parents were involved. Due to the fact that the image was deleted by both students and severe discussion was had, informing them of the law, the students are both to have assumed to learn a lesson. Both students felt bad about the situation, but I was relieved that it was not worse by sending it further. Poor judgment on both students' parts. If it was done differently, X should have made adults aware immediately without sharing it and that student would not have had a penalty- but a positive consequence of saving the other student from embarrassment.