Forum Post 5

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Forum Post 5

Jaclyn Snell
What can exploring art do for enhancing and developing career skills?
-As highlighted in the article "Integrating the Arts With Technology: Inspiring Creativity", students gain self-confidence and self-esteem through the arts by expressing themselves and exploring their own identity. It allows students to be self-expressive and capitalize on their strengths. The article highlighted how drama, music and fine art can impact students' achievement and academics. In order to be successful in most careers, students need to learn how to organize and present material in an efficient manner. Integrating drama in the classroom helps develop students' social skills and their ability to express themselves, a crucial component of any presentation. Similarly, many times when giving a presentation, presenters will utilize some digital media such as powerpoint, google slides, prezi, etc. As anyone who's sat through a presentation with one of these medias knows, it's important that presenters know how to not only organize their material in an effective manner, but also how to make their presentation visually appealing to the audience through images, fonts, colors, headings, etc.

What types of technologies have you used that shares a link with art? Include at least one link to a technology that could be used in the classroom.
-One technology that I use daily with my 4th grade students is a student online portfolio called SeeSaw. Students are able to post videos, drawings, pictures, activities and projects onto their portfolio and connect with their families and classmates on there as well. We use the app "PicCollage" often to showcase our learning on a variety of inquiry topics. Students can add and organize text and pictures on PicCollage and utilize a variety of available features to make the collage visually appealing. Lastly, we use Google Drawings frequently to create infographics on a variety of topics. My students just finished up their final Opinion writing project by creating an infographic to organize and display their research. Rather than writing a 5-paragraph essay like in years past, students were able to share their opinion on the topic and support it with facts and research in a more exciting manner.
Link to SeeSaw:

What are your "takeaways" from the article and videos?
-One quote that really stuck with me from the article "Integrating the Arts" was that, just like anything, the benefits of implementing the arts in the classroom are only reaped when teachers are provided with professional development to learn HOW to implement them. I love exploring new technologies and finding ways to integrate new ideas in the classroom so I appreciate any chance to do so. I loved all of the different tools listed in this section of the course that are free to educators and make it easy to integrate art, music, and fine arts. One that I found particularly interesting was the site I began exploring it and think it would be a great way for my students to explore the world of music and get some experience with composing. I'd love to find a way to incorporate this into my classroom and possibly provide it as a tool for students to use to demonstrate their learning.