Forum Post 5

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Forum Post 5

Brittany Willett
-What can exploring art do for enhancing and developing career skills?
Arts allows people to enhance their creative abilities. Whether they know it or not almost every career uses art. When people are able to bring their creative ideas to the table it allows them to thrive in their career. They feel like they can bring more to the table.

-What types of technologies have you used that shares a link with art?
During free time, or indoor recess students are able to get on Splash of Color in order to create pictures using different colors and textures.

-What are your "takeaways" from the article and videos?
My school does not have art class so it is up to the teachers to bring it into the classroom. I try to come up with crafts during holidays or special days but I am not great at incorporating actual art lessons. The articles and videos were great at letting me see easy ideas for incorporating art into my everyday classroom.