Foundations of Digital Citizenship

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Foundations of Digital Citizenship

Marla Maldonado
The fair and proper moral behaviors and related rights that have been deemed appropriate in a civil society, should likewise extend to the digital world. If anything, more civility, kindness and safeguards should be expected in a digital environment.  When free speech is exercised in the physical world, people who hear things that are hurtful or potentially dangerous can often speak out in protest or take action if appropriate.  However, online there is considerable anonymity and those embracing offensive communications or activities are less accountable. This can lead to the possibility of more negative and destructive online behaviors to go unchecked. Even the internet support for any given sentiment could simply be artificially supported to alter perceptions and influence the behaviors of the weak, careless or younger minds.  So it is imperative that society provides legal constructs that ensure the utmost safeguards are put in place to support a civil digital citizenry.  A digital citizenry that will likewise reflect a just and caring society.  Defining the guiding set of proper behaviors which can be agreed upon by the majority is one of the biggest hurdles.  Free speech is important -- yet the Digital Citizenship should provide the foundation for responsible, enriching and safe behaviors for online communications and related technology.