Gmail Ideas

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Gmail Ideas

Shaelynn Farnsworth
I believe that Gmail has additional settings and tools that people often overlook, I will admit, I did as well. I find labels, signatures, and groups beneficial. As a teacher, there are many ways to utilize the power inside Gmail. First, I would take a day to explore the setting with the students taking them on a scavenger hunt of sorts in which they complete tasks. They would explore the "Gear" which would allow them to customize their Gmail to best support their needs. I would also have them set up labels and add a signature.
Next, I would talk about Gmail as a way to organize their inbox so they can manage workflow and personal easier. I would set mini challenges in which they would explore best-fit options for themselves. I would also challenge them to the inbox 0 challenge.
Finally, I would have them create a group to support one of their collaborative projects within the class. This would serve to function as a workflow management system, record keeping, as well as a way to send and receive information or schedule collaborative meetings.